Happy Holidays!

All of us at GreyDuck thank you for working with us and with IBM/Lotus technologies. We trust that you had great success in 2006. Call on us if we can help you achieve more of your goals in the New Year.
As we reflect on this past year it has been both challenging and exciting. GreyDuck worked with 26 different companies in 9 different states. We kicked off our year at the annual Lotusphere conference in January, then we went right to work.
We helped our customers by restructuring poorly performing systems into solid, high-availability corporate systems, upgrading several environments to Lotus Domino 7, and installing new Lotus Domino, Sametime and Quickplace environments for customers. We also enhanced or developed many applications for the Lotus Notes client and for web browsers. Some of the applications we developed throughout the year were: Employee Assistance systems to manage new hires and employee information and security changes, customer relationship management systems, project management systems, security and accounting audit systems, and applications for manufacturing, sales force automation, time keeping, collaboration, workflow and approval processing. GreyDuck also developed intranet, extranet and internet web sites, conducted training and worked with customers to develop policies and procedures to support their business processes.
We didn't spend the entire year working, we also found time to participate in the Lotus Notes User Group, fish, hunt, travel, get married and take advantage of the many blessings we have living in Minnesota.