Happy Holidays!

We at GreyDuck Technology would like to thank our customers and partners for a wonderful year and are very excited about 2005. This past year we were considered the "go to" people for Lotus services by an increasing number of clients, by the largest reseller of IBM e-servers in the nation, and by two of the top IBM/Lotus software resellers in the nation. We have upgraded several customers from Microsoft Exchange to Domino, designed new business applications for our customers and have integrated BlackBerry devices at several clients. In short, we've made progress in some very interesting areas.
As collaboration technologists, we look forward to the coming year and to assisting you, our partners, with your Lotus/IBM collaboration needs. The New Year promises Domino 7, new releases of Lotus Workplace, advances in portal technology and more exciting advances in collaboration, especially as it combines with more pervasive technologies.
Our New Year's resolution is to build upon our current relationships with you and to meet many new friends in 2005.