Happy 2004!

Our sincere thanks go out to all our clients and business partners. It is because of you that we have enjoyed a successful year in 2003 and with your continuing trust and partnership we look forward to a successful 2004 for all of us.
We at GreyDuck are very excited about the upcoming year! We have always been a core group of Lotus technology consultants, doing what we love, but 2003 had... some challenges for us. A new partner, a poor economy, then a sudden uptick in opportunities that tested our focus. At each turn, we've held true to our ethic and vision, emerging better than before.
- We started Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conference pilots, hosted on our own servers.
- We've nearly tripled our staff.
- We partnered with new companies, and strengthened our existing relationships.
- Our success didn't just stop with us, either! We were a top licensing influencer for PreferredPartner.com, which won a 2003 Lotus Award for distinguished achievement.
- With no advertising and little marketing, our reputation is spreading, we are winning loyal clients within the Twin Cities and on each coast as well!
2004 promises even more opportunities. To our knowledge, there is no other consulting organization (besides IBM) itself that employs more Lotus technology specialists than we do in the Twin Cities. Our goal was never to be big, simply the best, both in ethics and in ability to deliver excellent service, and in 2004 we expect even more.
There are those who believed that specialist organizations like us were going away.
There are those who believed that Lotus itself was going away.
There are those who believed the Microsoft hype, ignoring the greater market share that Lotus has always enjoyed and the fact that Lotus continues to win several "Editor's Choice" awards, most notably from ZD Net and Network Computing.
There are competitors who are essentially focused on hardware sales, or simply aren't focused at all.
There are companies who think of Lotus technology consultants as commodities and therefore get what they expect.
We say: Expect The Unexpected